Communication Needs Analysis Survey
Are You/Your Corporation/Your Organization A Candidate For Consulting With 
QA Enterprises, LLC and "The Communication Expert?"

For Individuals:

  • Do You often leave a conversation with someone You love or respect, wishing You had the courage to say what was really on your mind, but you couldn't think of the right words to say?

  • Do your important work or business meetings cause you anxiety because You feel:  a. You Are Never Heard'; b. Do Not Feel Valued or Validated; or c. Keep Getting "Passed Over For Promotions" to co-workers who You feel are either less qualified, do not work as hard as You, or have not been with the company as long as You have?

  • Do You allow your intimate relationships to "suffer" from your silence, and inability to get past hurt feelings, old wounds and disappointments, leaving you "stuck" in all areas?

For Corporations:

  • Does your company often go through stages of conflict between upper level management and mid-level staff or employees, due to a break-down in Communication?

  • Does your company "roll-out" new training initiatives semi annually to annually, and you need an "objective party" to ease the transition or "create greater Synergy" within Your Organization with "One Voice, One Mission" messaging?

  • Does your company wish that all of its employees knew how to "Communicate and Sell More Effectively," "Close More Deals" or improve upon its leaders, "Train The Trainers" Skills to add to the company's revenue earnings?

  • Does your company know that many of its staff, employees and management possess poor public speaking, presentation and Communication Skills, and believe in investing in its most valuable resource, "its employees," to build confidence, whereby creating a stronger workforce, team and ultimately a more profitable corporation?

For Organizations:

  • Does your organization often need Leadership or Sales Training, Seminars, Retreats, Workshops or Keynote Speakers for Your Events to strengthen the bond, vision or said mission of the organization and encourage unity?

  • Are there "old rules" or dated by-laws that prohibit the organization from moving in a "fresh new direction" or taking a new approach and You Need a dynamic, innovative, energetic Professional Speaker, Leadership Trainer or Sales Strategist to shake things up?

  • Does your organization need to settle a conflict or your Young People Need Inspiring/Direction?


If You answered "YES!" to Any of the above questions, You, Your Corporation or Your Organization needs to book Abigail Moats, "The Communication Expert," TODAY! You can no longer "miss out" on what is needed to take your lives to the next dimension, "Accessing Its Greatness!"

Please, Complete the BOOKING FORM or Go To The BOOKINGS/CONTACT Page at  Fill Out The Page In Its Entirety; our staff will contact You within 24 hours.  We look forward to servicing YOU or Your Organization soon!